Exercise Science B.S.
Students pursuing Exercise Science will choose from one of three concentration* tracks:
Performance and Fitness concentration for students planning to be personal trainers, strength, conditioning, and/or fitness professionals;
Pre-Professional concentration for students planning to continue their education in a professional school such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician assistant, etc.;
Sports Medicine concentration for students interested in the area of athletic training who may want to pursue that degree at the graduate level.
*Concentration tracks will appear on the student's academic transcript
Degree Requirements for Fitness and Performance concentration
Areas A, B, C, D and E (See Core section of the Catalog) (42 semester hours)
Area F (18 semester hours)
Major Common Core (23 semester hours)
Concentration Specific Courses (37 semester hours)
Electives (12 semester hours)
Degree Requirements for Sports Medicine concentration
Areas A, B, C, D and E (See Core section of the Catalog) (42 semester hours)
Area F (18 semester hours)
Major Common Core (23 semester hours)
Concentration Specific Courses (37 semester hours)
Electives (14 semester hours)
If course is taken in Core curriculum, elective course hours will be applied here.
Degree Requirements for Pre-Professional concentration
Areas A, B, C, D and E (See Core section of the Catalog) (42 semester hours)
Area F (18 semester hours)
Major Common Core (23 semester hours)
Concentration Specific Courses (37 semester hours)
Electives 11 hours
If course is taken in Core curriculum elective course hours will apply here.
Total Credit Hours: 120
- Students will be required to show proof of liability insurance their junior and senior years.
- Grades of C or better are required in Area F, major, minor, and approved elective courses. Students who fail to earn grades of C or better in Area F or major courses will not be permitted to enroll in additional major courses until these courses are repeated and the student has earned satisfactory grades.
- Current First Aid/CPR certification is required.
- In order to graduate, students must have a GPA of 2.5 and fulfill other requirements specified in the Graduation Requirements section of the Catalog.
- Students will be required to complete service learning projects which are discipline-specific.