Undergraduate Catalog 2016-2017
Undergraduate Catalog 2016-2017 / Course Descriptions / INST - International Studies / 4000
Prerequisite: Approval of coordinator. Independent reading, research and reports on individual international issues arranged by the instructor according to the individual student's preparation, background and needs.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Consideration of topics in which courses are not otherwise offered, but for which there is a current need. Subject matter varies.
Prerequisite: Selection for participation in a University-approved Internship program and approval of coordinator. An individually designed and planned experience involving off-campus field experience and study and/or research in the private or public sector.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Students from all majors going to study on international exchange programs who intend to take upper division courses will register for this course. Following completion of their programs of study abroad, credits will be assigned for the courses actually taken abroad.