Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018
Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018 / Course Descriptions / ASTR - Astronomy / 3000
Prerequisites: MATH 1113 (or higher) and (ASTR 1000 or PHYS 1111 or PHYS 2211). The study of modern techniques used to obtain data and determine the physical properties of astronomical objects. Topics will include the geometry of the sky, electromagnetic radiation, telescopes, modern electronic imaging and spectroscopic devices, and the determination of the physical and statistical properties of stars and galaxies. Offered only in the spring of even years. Physics Capstone. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount. Offered only in the spring of even years.
Prerequisite: PHYS 2212. This is an intermediate level course on the physics of astronomical objects and systems. Topics include the structure, dynamics, and radiation processes of stellar evolution, galaxies, and cosmological models of the universe. Offered only in the spring of odd years.
Prerequisites: Approval of department chairperson. Special Topics not covered in other astronomy or physics courses.