Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2021
Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2021 > Course Descriptions > ODED - Outdoor Education > 4000
Prerequisite: ODED 2140. Provides theoretical and experiential understanding of the design and delivery of experiential education. Field trips required.
Prerequisites: ODED 2140 and ODED 3500. Provides an overview of administrative responsibilities and procedures related to outdoor education programs and services. Professional standards, human resource development, site planning, strategic management, program evaluation, and funding strategies are addressed. Field trips are required.
Prerequisite: Six hours of Outdoor Education coursework. An opportunity to gain experience with outdoor education that shows the convergence between outdoor education and the student’s major discipline.
An opportunity to study a topic of interest at an advanced level that is not included in the Outdoor Education minor program of study. Special topics courses used in programs for a group of students or a cohort will require a syllabus; otherwise a student will complete the special topic contract in conjunction with the faculty supervisor. Signatures signify agreement to the terms of the contract. Approval of the school director is required. This course is repeatable for credit.
The independent study in outdoor education is a research project in a selected area of professional interest. The student will complete the independent study contract in conjunction with the faculty supervisor. Signatures signify agreement to the terms of the contract. Approval of the school director is required. This course is repeatable for credit.
Prerequisite: Permissionof the school director. An individually designed and planned field experience supervised by a faculty member. Internship selection and approval are based on the student's professional goals and facility suitability for offering an appropriate learning opportunity.
Prerequisites: ODED 2140 and ODED 3500. An opportunity to gain experience with a mentor facility related to the cognate area of specialization. This course is repeatable for credit.