Undergraduate Catalog 2012-2013
Undergraduate Catalog 2012-2013 > Course Descriptions > EDIS - Edu Interdisc Studies
Understanding creative and artistic development; methods and strategies for integrating the arts across the curriculum.
Strategies for developing awareness and appreciation of cultural and linguistic diversity across the curriculum.
Planning and implementing developmentally appropriate activities by which children explore scientific concepts.
Planning and implementing activities that develop and integrate basic social studies concepts across the curriculum.
Theories and research that support the importance of play in developing the whole person; methods and techniques for stimulating and integrating educative play in school settings.
Prerequisite: Students must have completed 12 hours in major and have at least 3.0 GPA. This course is designed to provide mathematics and science majors experience in middle and high school classrooms observing and teaching in their content fields. Seminar will include student reflection and discussion of mathematical and science literature and research. Visiting speakers by faculty and local educators will focus on current issues in the education field. This course is exclusive of GCSU Cohort programs. This course is repeatable for credit.