Graduate Catalog 2013-2014
Graduate Catalog 2013-2014 / Course Descriptions / EDFS - Foundations and Secondary / 5000
As part of the teacher education program, the student demonstrates in public school classrooms the abilities to draw on deep content knowledge in order to plan, implement, and evaluate curriculum; to foster and to assess student learning; to identify and plan for the needs of diverse learners; to contribute to the life of the school and community.
Prerequisite: Admission to the MAT Program. A field-based study of the intellectual, physical, emotional, psychological, and social developmental characteristics of the secondary student.
Prerequisite: Admission to the MAT Program. Students will acquire the skills for selecting implementing, and assessing secondary curricula. Emphasis will be on active learning methods that address a variety of learning styles and on applying skills in the field.
Prerequisite: Admission to the MAT Program. A field-based study of the cultural dimensions of schooling and how they affect teaching and learning and a study of theories and practices that foster meaningful learning experiences for culturally diverse student populations. Students will apply their knowledge of culture and schooling to classroom practices.
Prerequisite: Admission to the MAT Program. A field-based study of the process, interpretation, and practical application of reflective thinking and systematic inquiry to inform classroom practice, foster effective teaching, and enable meaningful learning experiences. Student will also conduct a classroom inquiry project.