Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023
MSCI 3001 challenges Cadets to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with the demands of preparing for the ROTC Leader Development Assessment Course (LDAC). Challenging scenarios related to small unit tactical operations are used to develop self awareness and critical thinking skills. Cadets at the MSL III level begin to analyze and evaluate their own leadership values, attributes, skills and actions. Primary attention is given to preparation for LDAC and the development of leadership abilities. weekly requirements: three hours and a 2 hour 45 minute leadership lab, plus required participation in three to five one-hour sessions of physical fitness training.
Open only to students in the associated Military Science course. Series with different roles for students at different levels in the program. Involves leadership responsibilities for the planning, coordination, execution and evaluation of various training and activities with Basic Course students and for the ROTC program as a whole. Students develop, practice and refine leadership skills by serving and being evaluated in a variety of responsible positions.
MSCI 3002 uses increasing intense situation leadership challenges to build Cadet awareness and skills in leading tactical operations. Having learned squad tactics , Cadets now learn to lead up to platoon level. Cadets review aspects of combat stability and support operations. They also conduct military briefings and develop proficiency in garrison operations orders. Cadets are evaluated on what they know and do as leaders as they prepare for LDAC (summer camp) and the development of leadership abilities. Weekly requirements: three hours and a 2 hour 45 minute leadership lab, plus required participation in three to five one-hour sessions of physical fitness training. Participation in weekend exercises is also required.
Open only to students in the associated Military Science course. Series with different roles for students at different levels in the program. Involves leadership responsibilities for the planning, coordination, execution and evaluation of various training and activities with Basic Course students and for the ROTC program as a whole. Students develop, practice and refine leadership skills by serving and being evaluated in a variety of responsible positions.
A 33 Day camp conducted at Ft. Lewis, WA. Only open to (and required of) students who have completed MSCI 3001 and 3002. The student receives pay, travel, lodging and meals. LDAC environment is highly structured and demanding, stressing leadership at small unit levels under varying, challenging conditions. Individual leadership and basic skills performance are evaluated throughout the camp. Although this course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis only, the leadership and skills evaluations at the camp weigh heavily in the subsequent selection process that determines the type of commission and job opportunities given to the student upon graduation from ROTC and the University.
NSTP is a clinical elective offered at Army hospitals in the United States and overseas. NSTP is a paid elective attended during the summer between your junior and senior years of college. It gives you the opportunity to develop both your leadership and nursing skills. It will introduce you to the Army Medical Department and the roles and responsibilities of an Army Nurse Corps officer.