The Liberal Studies Individualized Concentration is available by admission only. Since students wishing to pursue this cross-disciplinary major are seeking freedom from the requirements normally set by disciplinary majors, they must demonstrate their academic maturity by meeting the following admission requirements:
The prospectus must be approved by the Coordinator before the student can be admitted to the major. Any change of disciplines or courses listed must be approved by the program advisors and registered with the Liberal Studies coordinator.
Courses used in the major program may not be used to fulfill the requirements of a minor in the same discipline.
Degree Requirements - Individualized Concentration
Areas A- E (see Core section of this Catalog) (42 semester hours)
Area F
Interdisciplinary Methods (3 semester hours)
Choose any one of the following:
Take any 1000-2000 level course(s) in ARTS, DANC, ENGL, FREN, GRMN, ITAL, JAPN, LING, MFLG, MSCM, MUED, MUSC, PHIL, RELI, RHET, SPAN, THEA.
Social Sciences
Take any 1000-2000 level course(s) in AFST, ANTH, BLST, CRJU, ECON, GEOG, HIST, INST, POLS, PSYC, SOCI, WMST.
Natural Sciences and Math
Take any 1000-2000 level course(s) in: ASTR, BIOL, CHEM, CSCI, ENSC, GEOG, GEOl, MATH, PHYS.
Note: When selecting from the natural sciences (ASTR, BIOL, CHEM, ENSC, GEOG, GEOL, PHYS), both the lecture and the companion laboratory course (when it exists) must be successfully completed to apply the credits from either course to this degree requirement.
(Any transfer student, who has not completed in the courses in Area F, or their equivalents, must take the courses at GCSU.)
Major Requirements
Major Areas
Upper-level hours to be taken in 2 or more distinct disciplines, determined in consultation with the program advisor(s) and the department chairs of the disciplines represented, and approved by the Liberal Studies coordinator. A minimum of 15 semester hours are required in 1 discipline and a minimum of 9 semester hours in another discipline.
An appropriate 4000-level course to be chosen in consultation with the program advisor(s) that will additionally include a senior research paper/project that shows the convergence between all the disciplines included in the student's program of study. Students are required to register for IDST 4931 as a co-requisite.
Language Requirements
Students must demonstrate minimum proficiency at the level of the fourth university course (2002). Students may use up to 9 hours of foreign language coursework in Area F (Humanities).
Electives (2-6 semester hours)
Electives will vary by student because of the various credits needed for foreign language requirement.