Graduate Catalog 2016-2017


GEOL 5100 Introductory Hydrology

(4-0-4) Study of hydrologic processes, water balance, and water quality. Emphasis placed on landscape management of water resources to maintain productivity and environmental quality. This course is repeatable for credit. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


GEOL 5200 General Geomorphology

(4-0-4) Study of earth surface processes and landforms, including tectonic, weathering, soil, hillslope, karst, fluvial, glacial, periglacial, eolian, and coastal geomorphic systems. Implications for environmental change are stressed. This course is repeatable for credit. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


GEOL 5300 Sedimentology & Stratigraphy

(4-0-4) Sedimentary processes in major siliciclastic and carbonate depositional environments, including factors affecting deposition and erosion over large time scales. Principles of stratigraphy including sedimentary structures, facies models, and biostratigraphy. This course is repeatable for credit. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


GEOL 5950 Special Topics

(VAR 1-4) Consideration of topics in which courses are not offered otherwise, but for which there is current need. Subject matter varies. This course is repeatable for credit.

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