Graduate Catalog 2017-2018
Graduate Catalog 2017-2018 > Course Descriptions > BCOM - Business Communications > 6000
A study of the nature, functions, and dynamics of communication. This course involves a study of the models of communication and an analysis of the component theories of the communication process. The theories presented are applied in various problem situations encountered at the management level in business. Included is a study of the verbal and nonverbal problems encountered when communicating with citizens of other nations.
Designed to meet the needs of the practicing manager. Included are the communications carried out by managers in organizations and the organizational and human variables which influence these communications. Included is the management of information systems. Communication styles of managers from different cultures are discussed.
This course meets special needs of students and/or the community. Approval of the graduate director is required prior to registering.
+students with an approved undergraduate equivalent should not enroll in this course