Graduate Catalog 2017-2018
Foundations of literacy instruction in grades K-12. Topics include reading theory, reading process, language development and pedagogy and a comparison of current trends and approaches in reading instruction.
2 - 3
Prerequisite: EDRD 6000, or permission of instructor. Alignment of state and local goals with assessment strategies. Classroom focused approaches to reading diagnosis and assessment. Includes study of informal and formal measures, K-12.
Prerequisite: EDRD 6000, or permission of instructor. Study of literacy development as active process addressing oral language, and emerging reading and writing in total school curriculum. Topics include print processing, metacognitive strategies, vocabulary development, assessment and overview of literacy strategies K-12
Prerequisite: EDRD 6000, or permission of instructor. Focuses on both narrative and expository literacy development in content areas and strategic framework for increasing comprehension. Topics include comprehension, metacognitive strategies, vocabulary, study skills, and overview of emergent literacy learning.
The nature, function and use of language and literacy in the development of young children. Focuses on pre-literacy, emerging and early literacy characteristics. Includes influence of families and communities in developing language and literacy learning.
A study of the reading and writing processes as they are related to instruction in the content fields. An analysis of current research will be related to strategies for integrating reading in the content areas.
Study of the common genre in school literature program. Focus on structure of genre in relation to comprehension and response. Study of culture and ethnicity in children’s and young adult literature, evaluation of non-print materials in use in public schools and application of literary response. (Designed to broaden an understanding of the various genre of literature for students with emphasis on the use of literature and non-print materials as an integral part of the total curriculum.)
Evaluating and incorporating multi cultural literature into the curriculum and the effect on students' literacy learning and cultural awareness.
Prerequisite: EDRD 6000. This course is a core requirement of the M.Ed. in Reading, Literacy, & Language. It covers language acquisition and learning, language and literacy development, and developmental expectations for literacy learners across content areas and grade levels. It will also provide considerations for grouping, interventions, and differentiated instruction.
Prerequisite: EDRD 5210, 6000, or 6110. Study and presentation of significant research studies in literacy development and related fields. Provides direction for a project suitable for EDRD 6217 with emphasis on designing and implementing action research in literacy development in classrooms. Provides overview of contributions of key literacy leaders to literacy knowledge base.
Understanding the role of the arts in literacy development. Emphasizes the development of literacy learning activities related to the creative arts conducive for enhancing literacy learning.
Prerequisite: EDRD 6002 or 6003, or 6211 or 6216 or Permission of Advisor. This course provides part of the required clinical experience for candidates seeking Reading Specialist certification through the Georgia Professional Standards commission. An individually designed and planned learning experience involving field experience, students will engage in clinical experiences designed to apply theory from their literacy coursework within classroom contexts in order to support K-12 student learning. a course fee is required for this practicum. The monies are used to provide a stipend for clinical supervision. This course is non-repeatable.
3 - 9
Prerequisite: EDRD 6000, EDRD 6001, EDRD 6200. This course examines the range of roles of the reading professional in school language and literacy leadership, such as leading and mentoring teachers in effective literacy practices, designing effective school-wide professional development, advocating for literacy both in school and community settings, and participating in professional literacy organizations, conferences, and workshops.
This course surveys the methods most widely used in literacy and language research with an emphasis on classroom applications. Students will design and prepare a research project for implementation with the final research project to comprise a portion of the capstone presentation.
Focused on increasing diagnostic and remediation skills in administering and interpreting multiple assessment/evaluation instruments and apply results to develop programs for students with severe reading handicaps to improve reading achievement.
Prerequisites: EDRD 6251 and EDRD 6500. This capstone course will serve as a culmination of coursework in the candidate's major program of study in the M.Ed. in Literacy and Language. Candidates will implement and present a research/inquiry project (proposed in EDRD 6500) as one component of a portfolio that demonstrates evidence of the candidate's ability to satisfy IRA/NCATE Standards for Reading Specialists/Literacy Coaches, and the Georgia Professional Standards for Reading Specialist.
Study of topics in which courses are not offered otherwise, but for which there is current need. Subject matter varies. Open to graduate students only. This course is repeatable for credit.