Graduate Catalog 2017-2018

Reading Endorsement

Georgia College (GC) offers a unique professional development opportunity. The program is designed for any P-12 teacher or supplemental reading teacher who is interested in learning how to better meet the needs of the students in his/her classroom. The program addresses the competencies required by the Professional Standards Commission’s Georgia Reading Endorsement. It emphasizes classroom application and addresses three strands:

  • Understanding Readers and the Reading Process
  • Linking Literacy Assessment and Instruction
  • Instructional Strategies in the content areas across Pre-K-12 educators.

Program of Study

This program requires a limited number of meetings per semester. The remainder of the work is on line.

EDRD 6000Theo & Proc of Lit Learning

2 - 3

EDRD 6001Reading Assessment


Specialized Teaching of Reading (Choice of 1)

EDRD 6002Early Childhood Reading Instru



EDRD 6003Mid Grades/Secondary Rdng Inst


Reading Endorsement students do not have to take a GACE content test for adding the endorsement to their certificates. However, they must be recommended by the GC Certification Officer to the Professional Standards Commission.

Total Credit Hours: 9