Graduate Catalog 2024-2025


ENGL 6011 Scriptwriting Seminar

Prerequisite: ENGL 5011 and admission to MFA Program. An intensive seminar designed to prepare the student for completion of a creative thesis and submitting work of publishable quality in scriptwriting. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 6012 Creative Nonfiction Seminar

Prerequisite: ENGL 5012 and admission to MFA Program. An intensive seminar designed to prepare the student for completion of a creative thesis and submitting work of publishable quality in creative nonfiction writing. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 6021 Poetry Writing Seminar

Prerequisite: ENGL 5021 and admission to MFA Program. An intensive seminar designed to prepare the student for completion of a creative thesis and submitting work of publishable quality in poetry writing. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 6022 Fiction Writing Seminar

Prerequisite: ENGL 5022 and admission to MFA Program. An intensive seminar designed to prepare the student for completion of a creative thesis and submitting work of publishable quality in fiction writing. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 6024 Teaching Creative Writing

Prerequisite: Admission to MFA Program. A course in the various techniques used to teach courses in writing, from expository to advanced workshop writing courses, including a teaching practicum in an appropriate academic or institutional setting. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 6025 Poetry & Poetics

Prerequisite: ENGL 5021 and admission to MFA Program. A course in the traditions and innovations of poetry and poetics, emphasizing modern and contemporary examples, but also reviewing important historical precedents in poetics. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 6026 Prose Forms Seminar

Prerequisite: ENGL 5012 OR 5022 and admission to MFA program. A course in the traditions and innovations of fiction writing, both the short story and the novel, emphasizing modern and contemporary examples, but also reviewing important historical precedents in prose form and theory. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 6112 Theories of Composition & Lit

A study of the theories affecting contemporary pedagogical approaches to composition and literary analysis, particularly as they relate to post-secondary applications.


ENGL 6601 Methods of Research

A survey of the research methods and bibliographical tools used in literary study.


ENGL 6680 Grad Seminar in Studies in Lit

An intense study of an author, a work, a genre, a movement, or a theme of special interest. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 6685 Grad Sem in Crit Appr to Lit

An intense study of the scholarly criticism of selected primary works. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 6690 Variable Topics

Prerequisite: Admission to candidacy for MA in English or MFA in Creative Writing. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 6960 Internship

Prerequisite: Department Chairperson’s approval. An individually designed and planned learning experience involving off-campus field experiences and study in the public sector. This course is repeatable for credit.

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ENGL 6970 Thesis

Prerequisite: ENGL 6601, either ENGL 6680 or ENGL 6685, and permission of Coordinator of MA in English. Independent study leading to the submission of a thesis under the direction of a major professor in English. This course is repeatable for credit.

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ENGL 6971 MFA Thesis

A book-length manuscript of publishable quality, usually in one genre (poetry, short fiction, etc.), but potentially open to multi-genre works. This course is repeatable for credit.

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