Graduate Catalog 2018-2019
Prerequisite: Admission to MAT program in special education. Integration of Issues regarding MAT program goals, performance and assessment.
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Focuses on the identification of and basic techniques for working with the exceptional individual in the regular classroom. Meets requirements of House Bill 671.
Prerequisite: EDEX 3211, 3200 or 6111. Discussion of the impact of an exceptional child on the total family relationships. Basic techniques and theories of counseling parents and various social agencies working with parents.
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Prerequisite: EDEX 3211, 3200 or 6111. Overview of the theories of language and speech development in exceptional individuals. Review of the literature and research in speech and language development.
Prerequisite: EDEX 3211, 3200 or 6111. Theory and practices of behavior management techniques appropriate in instructional programs for exceptional individuals.
Prerequisite: EDEX 3211, 3200 or 6111. An introduction to standardized tests, criterion referenced and informal measures used in assessing children for educational placement and instruction. Students are required to administer, score, and interpret tests commonly used with exceptional children.
Prerequisite: EDEX 3211, 3200 or 6111. Characteristics of mildly learning disabled, behavior disordered, and intellectually disabled individuals. Aspects of working with mildly disabled students in the special education resource room. Methods of communicating with regular classroom teachers are emphasized.
Prerequisite: EDEX 6120. Individualization of instruction, perspective teaching strategies, and an overview of interpersonal relationships.
Prerequisite: EDEX 6121. Curriculum and methods for teaching mildly disabled individuals. Specific emphasis on teaching language arts and mathematics. This course is repeatable for credit.
This course encompasses an introduction to PBIS, a review of its influence on student behavior, and an examination of effective implementation of positive behavior interventions within P-12 classroom settings.
This course focuses on positive behavior management at the Tier III level, the creation of Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs), and models of behavior support programs.
Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate Cohort Program. Exploration of research in the behaviors of student with high incidence disabilities. This course is repeatable for credit. Co-requisite: EDFS 6224.
Prerequisites: EDEX 3211, 3200 or 6111 and 6118. Methods, techniques, and instruments used in assessing the social, emotional, and learning characteristics of exceptional individuals. Application of various assessment techniques in appropriate educational settings.
Prerequisite: EDEX 6193 Advanced study of the practices and principles associated with behaviorism and the experimental analysis of behavior, with emphasis on applications for improving the socially significant behavior of individuals with exceptional learning needs.
The objective of this course is to introduce graduate students to legal issues in special education. Overall increases in litigation and the development of special education as a subsequent result of litigation will be presented.
The objective of this course is to introduce graduate students to advanced issues and topics related to behavior management in school settings. Programmatic and ethical issues related to behavior management and identification of behavior problems will be stressed.
Prerequisite: Admission to the M.Ed. program in Special Education School Improvement and successful completion of semesters I, II, III, IV, and V. Overview and critique of programs and instructional resources impacting student behavior and utilizing school-community partnerships. Resources for implementation and potential outcomes will be explored.
Prerequisite: Last course in program of study. This course will serve as a culmination of the school improvement research project within the teachers’ major field of study with an emphasis on various quantitative and qualitative ways of analyzing and disseminating data collected as a part of a school improvement project.
This course will provide students with the skills they need to be architects of change in their classrooms and schools. The class will provide students with a forum to discuss issues and develop strategies related to change at policy, systems, and personal levels. Identifying needs, removing barriers, and mobilizing resources are primary themes throughout the course.
Supervised Internship in special education classroom.
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Supervised Internship in special education classroom.
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Supervised Internship in special education classroom.
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Supervised Internship in special education classroom. Additional special course fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.
Advanced study and fileld experience in the special education and/or inclusion classroom. This course serves as one of the courses required for the Master of Arts in Teaching degree in Special Education in the Department of Special Education and Educational Leadership, John H. Lounsbury College of Education.
Study of topics in which courses are not offered otherwise, but for which there is current need. Subject matter varies. Open to graduate students only. This course is repeatable for credit.