Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025


MUSC 4210 Computer Music

Prerequisite: C or better in MUSC 3310. An introduction to the principles and techniques of digital sound synthesis and the creation of music with computers. Students will gain hands-on experience with the most up-to-date synthesis software, programming languages, and research tools. Through lectures, lab work, reading, composing, and critical-listening students will gain the necessary skills to create computer music using digital instruments of their own design.


MUSC 4300 Form and Analysis

Prerequisite: MUSC 2510. Advanced study in analytical protocols and the theory of forms. Includes various forms of layer analysis, paradigmatic analysis, and generative grammar, as well as twentieth-century formal developments.


MUSC 4310 Electroacoustic Music Comp

Prerequisite: C or higher in MUSC 3310. A course in which students focus on a particular area of music composition in the electronic medium. Building on skills learned in MUSC 1300 and MUSC 3310, students will concentrate on compositional problems and issues while creating original electroacoustic musical works. This course is repeatable for credit.


MUSC 4430 Vocal Pedagogy I

Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing or permission of the instructor. Techniques for teaching voice, including an in-depth study of vocal anatomy.


MUSC 4440 Vocal Pedagogy II

Prerequisite: MUSC 4430. Advanced techniques for teaching voice. Emphasis on the selection of appropriate vocal literature and the correction of vocal faults. The course includes supervised teaching.


MUSC 4500 Keyboard Pedagogy

Survey of the various pedagogical philosophies and methodologies of keyboard study throughout history.


MUSC 4600 Analysis for the Performer

Prerequisite: MUSC 3500 or permission of the instructor. This course is designed as a seminar to help student performers to build their analytical and interpretive skills with reference to the music being learned in their applied studies. The semester's work culminates in an analytical / interpretive essay and a presentation to the class. This course is repeatable for credit.


MUSC 4800 Studies in World Music

Prerequisite: Upper division standing or permission of the instructor. Studies in World Music provides an introduction to the traditional, classical, and popular musics of Africa, Asia, and the Americas, and their historical development, social and cultural contexts, performance styles, aesthetics, and philosophies. Students examine music cross-culturally across four themes: music and religion, music and healing, music and the theatre, and music and resistance. Using various primary and secondary sources as a starting point, students analyze the ways in which music-making practices are imbricated in race, class, gender, politics, and social movements. Students also learn the methodological approaches of ethnomusicology and develop strategies for analyzing, listening, reading, and writing about world music.


MUSC 4940 Independent Study

Prerequisite: Permission of the Departmental Chair. Tutorial investigation of topic of special interest. This course is repeatable for credit.

1 - 4

MUSC 4950 Special Topics

Prerequisite: Permission of Departmental Chair. Consideration of topics in which courses are not offered otherwise, but for which there is current need. Subject matter varies, with special emphasis on pedagogy and literature. This course is repeatable for credit.

1 - 4

MUSC 4960 Internship

Prerequisite: Approval by the Departmental Chair. An individually designed and planned learning experience involving off-campus field experience and study in the private or public sector.

1 - 15

MUSC 4980 Study Abroad

Prerequisite: Permission of Director of International Services and Programs and Departmental Chair. This course is repeatable for credit.

1 - 15

MUSC 4990 Senior Project

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor and the department chair. This course is designed as the senior capstone course for the B.A. degree in Music. The nature of the work is open-ended, being decided on through discussions between the student and the chosen advisor for the course (their primary applied teacher or another trusted instructor). The project can take the form of a recital, a lecture-recital, a capstone project or paper, or some other work that combines areas of interest within and outside of music.