Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 > Course Descriptions > RHET - Rhetoric > 3000
Prerequisite: RHET 1110. A study of the rhetoric of persuasion from its most ethical uses in government, law, and society, to its misuses. Students will present several types of persuasive presentations.
Prerequisite: RHET 1110. Discipline-related or interdisciplinary service-learning project developed in consultation with a faculty advisor or group of faculty advisors with assistance from the Office of Academic Engagement.
Argumentation and debate principles, with application to written analysis, briefs, speeches, and debates. Analysis of an issue, reasoning and evidence, in depth research, and oral delivery.
Prerequisite: RHET 1110. An introduction to the varieties of informative speaking from the briefing to the lecture. Demonstrations, progress reports, and problem analysis will be examined.
Prerequisite: RHET 1110. Examines communication within organizational structures. The course looks at interviewing techniques, conducting group meetings, and making formal presentations.
A study and application of basic communication concepts and theories in interactive communication situations from the personal to the organizational level.
Theory and practice in the process of dialogic engagement with emphasis on the student as performer.
A study of narrative, or storytelling, as a way of communicating in conversation, oral performance, and literature: what stories are told to whom, how stories are told, and the forms and functions of narrative. Considers narrative in a variety of communication settings.
Prerequisite: RHET 1110. Examines communication practices in multi-cultural settings including international, national, regional, ethnic, racial, economic, and religious. The focus will be on observational and research activities involving intercultural communication differences.
Prerequisite: Rhetoric major or minor. This course will examine selected genres and forms of oral traditional narrative through the art of storytelling performance.
A focus on research methodologies, ethical and legal challenges, and approaches in documentary work.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Participation in on and/or off-campus forensics tournaments. Students work with the forensics coaching staff in the areas of debate, limited preparation speaking, public address or interpretation,and participate in tournaments.